KEO Discussion Paper
- No.183
- Yukako Ono, Zheyu Zeng(2024.11),
"Geography and Reorganization of Municipal Borders: the Case of Japanese Municipal Mergers", p25.
- No.182
- Yuta Ota, Takahiro Hoshino and Taisuke Otsu(2024.10),
"Causal inference with auxiliary observations", p39.
- No.181
- Yukitoshi Matsushita, Taisuke Otsu and Keita Sunada(2024.7),
"Applications of cross-fit variance estimator for testing model specification, overidentification,and structural parameter hypotheses", p24.
- No.180
- Jaerim Choi, Masahiro Endoh, and Akira Sasahara(2024.5),
"A Tale of Two Countries: Global Value Chains, the China Trade Shock, and Labor Markets", p49.
全文 (pdfファイル(2209KB))
- No.179
- Kiyotaka Maeda(2024.4),
"Swinging Unstable Market after the Great Depression:Daily Rice Pricing of Japan’s Futures and Spot Trades", p66.
- No.178
- Haruo Kakehi and Taisuke Otsu(2024.3),
"Finite-population inference via GMM estimator", p12.
- No.177
- Yuya Shimizu and Taisuke Otsu(2023.10),
"Optimal testing in a class of nonregular models", p43.
- No.176
- Kozo Kiyota(2023.8),
"The COVID-19 Pandemic and the World Machinery Trade Network", p42.
全文 (pdfファイル(1315KB))
- No.175
- Kiyotaka Maeda(2023.4),
"Distinctive Pricing in the Metropole of the Integrated Empire’s Economy:Japan’s Central and Local Rice Markets, 1900–1939", p59.
- No.174
- Akira Sasahara, Yumin Sui, and Emily Taguchi(2023.2),
"Immigration, imports, and (im)mutable Japanese labor markets", p45.
全文 (pdfファイル(773KB))
- No.173
- 野村浩二・稲場翔(2022.10),
「入札データに基づく公共土木産出価格の測定:1989–2021年」, p34.
- No.172
- Kozo Kiyota(2022.7),
"Spatially Uneven Pace of Deindustrialization Within a Country", p58.
全文 (pdfファイル(757KB))
- No.171
- JaeBin Ahn,Theresa M Greaney,Kozo Kiyota(2022.6),
"Political Conflict and Angry Consumers:Evaluating the Regional Impacts of a Consumer Boycott on Travel Services Trade", p52.
全文 (pdfファイル(523KB))
- No.170
- Kiyotaka Maeda(2022.6),
"Colonial Impact on Japan’s Economy:Dynamics of the Rice Market during the Interwar Period", p34.
- No.169
- Akira Sasahara(2022.5),
"The Empirics of the China Trade Shock:A Summary of Estimation Methods and A Literature Review", p43.
全文 (pdfファイル(641KB))
- No.168
- Taisuke Otsu and Shiori Tanaka(2022.4),
"Empirical likelihood inference for Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition", p7.
- No.167
- 今口忠政・上野哲郎・申美花・李新建(2022.4),
「日中韓企業の革新的な製品・事業開発プロセスに関する比較研究」, p39.
- No.166
- 前田廉孝(2022.4),
「在来産業の製品ポートフォリオ拡張と低級品市場:1890–1910年代醬油醸造家・髙梨家の地方売りと手印類似品」, p39.
- No.165
- Taisuke Otsu and Keita Sunada(2022.1),
"On large market asymptotics for spatial price competition models", p10.
- No.164
- Ryo Kimoto and Taisuke Otsu(2022.1),
"Inference on conditional moment restriction models with generated variables", p9.
- No.163
- Kozo Kiyota(2021.11),
"The COVID-19 Pandemic and the World Trade Network", p39.
全文 (pdfファイル(2089KB))
- No.162
- Masahiro Mogaki(2021.06),
"State traditions, policy networks, and governance:Emerging network neutrality co-regulation in Japan and the UK", p32.
- No.161
- Hideyuki Tomiyama and Taisuke Otsu(2021.04),
"Inference on incomplete information games with multi-dimensional actions", p8.
- No.160
- 石井加代子・中山真緒・山本勲(2020.12),
「コロナ禍初期の緊急事態宣言下における在宅勤務の実施要因と所得や不安に対する影響 Determinants and impacts on income and anxiety of working from home during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan」, p30.
- No.159
- 山本勲・石井加代子・樋口美雄(2020.2),
「新型コロナウイルス感染症流行初期の雇用者の就業・生活・ウェルビーイング― パンデミック前後のリアルタイムパネルデータを用いた検証 ―」, p48.
- No.158
- Flora Bellone and Toshiyuki Matsuura(2021.1),
"Import competition and product churning: Evidence from Japanese plant-product-level data", p18.
- No.157
- Kozo Kiyota, Sawako Maruyama,and Mina Taniguchi(2021.1),
"The China Syndrome: A Cross-Country Evidence", p46.
全文 (pdfファイル(413KB))
- No.156
- Koji Nomura and Hiroshi Shirane(2020.12),
"Measurement of Labor Shares and Quality-adjusted Labor Inputs in Vietnam, 1970–2018", p32.
- No.155
- Rikuto Onishi,Taisuke Otsu(2020.11),
"Sample sensitivity for two-step and continuous updating GMM estimators", p8.
- No.154
- Kozo Kiyota(2020.10),
"The Leontief Paradox Redux", p26.
全文 (pdfファイル(287KB))
- No.153
- Theresa M. Greaney, Kozo Kiyota(2020.3),
"Japan’s Outward FDI Potential", p32.
全文 (pdfファイル(517KB))
- No.152
- Tadashi Ito,Toshiyuki Matsuura, and Chih-Hai Yang(2020.2),
"Revisiting Complementarity Between Japanese FDI and the Import of Intermediate Goods: Agglomeration Effects and Parent-firm Heterogeneity"(№140改訂版), p36.
- No.151
- Theresa M. Greaney, Kozo Kiyota(2020.1),
"The Gravity Model and Trade in Intermediate Inputs", p34.
全文 (pdfファイル(632KB))
- No.150
- Kozo Kiyota,Toshiyuki Matsuura, Yoshio Higuchi(2019.8),
"Multinationals, Intrafirm Trade, and Employment Volatility", p41.
全文 (pdfファイル(546KB))
- No.149
- Taisuke Otsu, Keisuke Takahata and Mengshan Xu(2019.07),
"Empirical likelihood inference for monotone index model", p12.
- No.148
- Taisuke Otsu and Go Taniguchi(2019.07),
"Kolmogorov-Smirnov type test for generated variables", p10.
- No.147
- Masaya Nishihata and Taisuke Otsu(2019.07),
"Conditional GMM estimation for gravity models", p6.
- No.146
- Takeo Hoshi,Kozo Kiyota (2019.3),
"Potential for Inward Foreign Direct Investment in Japan ", p32.
全文 (pdfファイル(380KB))
- No.145
- Kozo Kiyota,Toshiyuki Matsuura,Lionel Nesta(2018.12),
"What’s Behind the Figures? Quantifying the Cross-Country Exporter Productivity Gap", p34.
全文 (pdfファイル(285KB))
- No.144
- Koji Nomura, Kozo Miyagawa, and Jon D. Samuels(2018.10),
"Benchmark 2011 Integrated Estimates of the Japan-U.S. Price Level Index for Industry Outputs", P29.
- No.143
- Koji Nomura and Naoyuki Akashi(2017.12),
"Measuring Quality-adjusted Labor Inputs in South Asia, 1970–2015",p66.
- No.142
- 佐藤 真紀・石岡 克俊 (2017.8),
「接続取引に対する独占禁止法の適用」, p42.
- No.141
- Koji Nomura and Hiroshi Shirane (2016.12),
"Redefining the Picture of Myanmar’s Economic Growth: Trade, Production, and Jade ", p41.
- No.140
- Tadashi Ito、Toshiyuki Matsuura、Chih-Hai Yang(2016.11),
"Revisiting Complementarity between Japanese FDI and the Import of Intermediate Goods: Agglomeration Effects and Parent-firm Heterogeneity", p36.
- No.139
- 今口忠政、申美花、李新建(2016.10),
「東南アジアにおける日本企業の競争優位確保のための 組織ケイパビリティ評価シートの研究 -日・中・韓国企業の比較を通して-」, p26.
- No.138
- Kozo Kiyota,Tetsuji Okazaki(2016.4),
"Assessing the Effects of Japanese Industrial Policy Change during the 1960s", p42.
全文 (pdfファイル(366KB))
- No.137
- Toshiyuki Matsuura(2016.3),
"Impact of Extensive and Intensive Margins of Foreign Direct Investment on Domestic Corporate Performance:Evidence from Japanese Automobile Parts Suppliers", p52.
- No.136
- 石岡克俊(2015.7),
「移動体通信事業に対する接続規制の再検討」, p42.
- No.135
- Makoto Hasegawa,Kozo Kiyota(2015.6),
"The Effect of Moving to a Territorial Tax System on Profit Repatriation: Evidence from Japan", p37.
全文 (pdfファイル(362KB))
- No.134
- Doan Thi Thanh Ha,Kozo Kiyota(2015.5),
"Misallocation, Productivity, and Trade Liberalization:The Case of Vietnamese Manufacturing", p37.
全文 (pdfファイル(272KB))
- No.133
- 野村浩二、白根啓史(2014.12),
「日本の労働投入量の測定-1955–2012年の産業別多層労働データの構築-」, p144.
- No.132
- Fumimasa Hamada (2014.5),
"Preference Order and Consumer Behavior", p16.
全文 (pdfファイル(301KB))
- No.131
- 野村浩二、吉岡完治、大澤史織(2013.1),
「太陽電池の輸入シェア弾性の測定と電力価格上昇によるシミュレーション」, p18.
全文 (pdfファイル(678KB))
- No.130
- 朝倉啓一郎・中野諭(2012.12),
「宇宙太陽発電衛星のCO2負荷とエネルギー収支―宇宙太陽発電衛星の環境、エネルギー、および経済評価にむけて―」, p46.
全文 (pdfファイル(1790KB))
- No.129
- Koji Nomura and Tomomichi Amano(2012.9),
"Labor Productivity and Quality Change in Singapore: Achievements in 1974-2011 and Prospects for the Next Two Decades", p55.
全文 (pdfファイル(614KB))
- No.128
- 石岡克俊(2012.3),
「「設備競争」論と「公正な競争」」, p20.
全文 (pdfファイル(168KB))
- No.127
- 朝倉啓一郎・中野諭(2012.3)(2012.4改定版),
「電力の生産・供給過程における送配電コストについて」, p37.
全文 (pdfファイル(420KB))
- No.126
- Tamaki MIYAUCHI(2011.8),
"Two-agent discrete choice model with random coefficient utility functions for structural analysis on household labor supply", p36.
全文 (pdfファイル(359KB))
- No.125
- 石岡克俊(2011.3),
「接続と競争政策」, p18.
全文 (pdfファイル(202KB))
- No.124
- 石岡克俊(2011.3),
「「接続」の法的構成 —「接続」・「卸」と電気通信事業法—」, p18.
全文 (pdfファイル(195KB))
- No.123
- 福石幸生 (2010.12),
「経済学と水資源-日本における水のシャドウ・プライスの測定-」, p70.
全文 (pdfファイル(1917KB))
- No.122
- 福石幸生 (2010.5),
「水資源分析用スカイラインの開発-日本における2000-2005年の2時点分析-」, p19.
全文 (pdfファイル(635KB))
- No.121
- Satoshi Nakano and Keiichiro Asakura (2010.2),
"Input-Output Table for Environmental Analysis of Japan: Construction and Application", 38p.
全文 (pdfファイル(372KB))
- No.120
- Nomura, Koji, Hideyuki Mizobuchi and Soyoen Myung (2010.02),
"Sources of Per Capita Real Income Growth in Asia, 1970-2007", 32p.
- No.119
- 平湯直子 (2009.9),
「CDMのしくみと手続きの流れ―植林・小規模植林CDMを中心に」 46p.
- No.118
- Toshiyuki Matsuura and Mitsuru Sunada (2009.9),
"Measurement of consumer benefit of competition in retail outlets", 30p.
全文 (pdfファイル(291KB))
- No.117
- 中野諭 (2009.9),
「平成17年環境分析用産業連関表-推計方法および計測結果-」 34p.
- No.116
- 石岡克俊 (2009.2),
「「校訂」の著作権法における位置」, 17p.
- No.115
- Diewert, W. Erwin, Hideyuki Mizobuchi and Koji Nomura (2009.2),
"On Measuring the Productivity and the Standard of Living in Japan, 1955-2006", 52p.
- No.114
- Nomura, Koji, Eunice Y. M. Lau, and Hideyuki Mizobuchi (2008.11),
"A Survey of National Accounts in Asia for Cross-country Productivity Comparisons", 34p.
- No.113
- 平湯直子・吉武惇二・桜本光 (2008.11),
「ロケット燃料にLNGを用いた場合の環境負荷(Ⅰ)-LNGの特徴-」, 51p.
- No.112
- 中野諭・平湯直子・鈴木将之 (2008.1),
「電気自動車ELIICAのLCA」, 43p.
- No.111
- 平湯直子 (2007.12),
「排出権取引制度の概要-欧州での先進事例と日本-」, 47p.
- No.110
- 風神佐知子 (2007.9),
「経済発展・自己雇用者・不平等の三者関係」, 26p.
- No.109
- Tsujimura, Kazusuke and Tsujimura,Masako (2007.9,Ver1.1)(2008.4,Ver2.2),
"Civil Law, Quadruple Entry System and the Presentation Format of National Accounts", 39p.
- No.108
- 野村浩二 (2007.7),
「多部門一般均衡モデルによる二酸化炭素排出量評価 -第一約束期間の限界削減費用と2030年展望-」, 18p.
- No.107
- Suzuki, Masayuki and Hayami,Hitoshi (2007.5),
"Detecting Perception Gap, Discontinuity and Changes of the Consumer's Behavior: An Input-Output Approach to the Economic Impact of Infectious Diseases", 38p.
- No.106
- 宮川幸三 (2007.3),
「北米産業分類体系と米国経済センサス」, 88p.
- No.105
- Jorgenson, Dale W. and Koji Nomura (2007.2),
"The Industry Origins of the US-Japan Productivity Gap", 39p.
- No.104
- 南雲智映・梅崎修 (2006.11),
「職員・工員身分差の撤廃に至る交渉過程-「経営協議会」史料(1945~1947年)の分析-」, 23p.
- No.103
- Matsuno, Kazuhiko, Masako Tsujimura and Kazusuke Tsujimura (2006.10),
"On the Asymptotic Normality for the Linear Combination of X² Variables", 12p.
- No.102
- 中野諭 (2006.8),
「住宅用太陽光発電装置のCO2削減効果とユーザーコストの計測」, 29p.
- No.101
- Nomura, Koji (2006.3),
"An Alternative Method to Estimate WiP Inventory for Cultivated Assets", 32p.
- No.100
- 早見均 (2006.1),
「働き方の多様性と労働時間分布の要因分解:短期・長期のファクト・ファインディングスとMCMC法の一応用」, 62p.
- No.099
- Nomura, Koji (2005.12),
"Duration of Assets: Examination of Directly Observed Discard Data in Japan", 34p.
- No.098
- 中野諭 (2005.7),
「平成12年環境分析用産業連関表-推計方法および計測結果-」 32p.
- No.097
- Nomura, Koji (2005.6),
"Toward Reframing Capital Measurement in Japanese National Accounts", 40p.
- No.096
- Nakano, Satoshi (2005.5),
" Who Volunteers in Japan and How? - Basic Findings from Micro Data", 20p.
- No.095
- 篠崎美貴・中野諭・鷲津明由 (2005.3),
「接続環境分析用産業連関表による環境家計簿分析―持続可能な消費の視点から」 57p.
- No.094
- Tsujimura, Kazusuke and Mizoshita,Masako (2005.2),
"The Consequences of the Inauguration of Euro : A Nested Mixed-effects Analysis of the International Banking Transactions", 16p.
- No.093
- Tsujimura, Kazusuke and Mizoshita,Masako (2004.11),
" Compilation and Application of Asset-Liability Matrices : A Flow-of-Funds Analysis of the Japanese Economy 1954-1999", 50p.
- No.092
- Tsujimura, Kazusuke and Mizoshita,Masako (2004.4),
" Quantitative Evaluation of Foreign Exchange Intervention and Sterilization in Japan ―A Flow-of-Funds Approach― ", 24p.
- No.091
- 辻村和佑・溝下雅子 (2004.4),
「わが国繊維産業の現状と課題」 62p.
- No.090
- 中野諭(2004.11),
「社会資本の整備による地域経済の活性化 ―九州地域における交通インフラの整備―」26p.
- No.089
- 吉岡完治・和気洋子・竹中直子・鄭雨宗(2003.12),
「中国の貿易自由化と環境負荷の関係 ―1995年版―」37p.
- No.088
- Hayami, Hitoshi (2003.11),
" Labor Market Trends and Policies in Japan After 1990 : A Review of Recent Studies and Policy Evaluation", 36p.
- No.087
- Tsujimura, Kazusuke and Mizoshita,Msasako (2003.10),
" Does Monetary Policy Work under Zero-Interest-Rate?", 26p.
- No.086
- 早見均・和気洋子・小島朋之・吉岡完治(2003.9),
- No.085
- 早見均(2003.3),
「就業形態別労働需要モデルの再検討とシミュレーション」 29p.
- No.084
- Tsujimura, Kazusuke and Mizoshita,Msako (2003.3),
" How to Become a Big Player In the Global Capital Market-A Flow-of-Funds Approach-", 44p.
- No.083
- 辻村和佑・溝下雅子(2003.3),
「我が国の地域資金循環分析」 20p.
- No.082
- 溝下雅子(2003.1),
「家計の金融資産保有と資金波及」 41p.
- No.081
- 鷲津明由・山本悠介(2002.12),
「アジア諸国の環境家計簿比較分析:EDEN1990の推計結果を用いて」 24p.
- No.080
- 野村浩二(2002.11),
「資本測定の概念」 42p.
- No.079
- 辻村和佑・溝下雅子(2002.12),
「資本としてのロボットに関するパイロットスタディー」 36p.
- No.078
- 辻村和佑・溝下雅子(2002.10),
「外国為替平衡操作と不胎化政策の効果に関する資金循環分析」 26p.
- No.077
- 疋田浩一・中野諭・吉岡完治(2002.8),
「既存水道設備を利用した温水供給システムのLCA」 23p.
- No.076
- Satoshi Nakano and Keiichiro Asakura (2002.7),
" Environmental Simulation For China : Effects of 'Bio-coal Briquettes'", 22p.
- No.075
- Hitoshi Hayami and Masao Nakamura (2002.7),
" CO2 Emission of an Alternative Technology and Bilateral Trade between Japan and Canada : Relocating production and an Implication for Joint Implementation", 34p.
- No.074
- 野村浩二(2002.5),
「鉱物資源の多国間一般均衡モデルの構築と資源政策―銅地金/鉱石の国際寡占市場における分析」 49p.
- No.073
- 柳赫・早見均(2002.5),
「光ファイバーの構造とケーブルの敷設によるCO2負荷」 63p.
- No.072
- Tsujimura, Kazusuke and Masako, Mizoshita (2002.6),
" European Financial Integration in the Perspective of Global Flow of Funds", 31p.
- No.071
- 辻村和佑・溝下雅子(2002.3),
「住宅金融公庫廃止後の融資スキームに関する一試案―資金循環分析からの提案―」 23p.
- No.070
- 辻村和佑・溝下雅子(2002.3),
「バブル崩壊過程における資金循環構造の変動」 37p.
- No.069
- Tsujimura, Kazusuke and Mizoshita,Masako (2002.1),
" Frow of Funds Analysis : The Triangulation and The Dispersion Indices", 16p.
- No.068
- Kuroda, Masahiro and Nomura,koji (2001.10),
" Technological Change and Capital Accumulation in Japan", 37p.
- No.067
- Tsujimura, Kazusuke and Mizoshita,Masako (2001.10),
" Frow of Funds Analysis : BOJ Quantitative Monetary Policy Examined", 20p.
- No.066
- 辻村和佑・溝下雅子(2001.8),
「日本銀行による量的緩和政策の資金循環分析」 18p.
- No.065
- Hayami, Hitoshi and Matsuura,Toshiyuki (2001.8),
" From'life-time'employment to work-sharing : Fact findings and an estimation of labour demand for part-time workers in Japan", 36p.
- No.064
- 辻村和佑・溝下雅子(2001.8),
「資金循環分析:金融連関表の三角化」 19p.
- No.063
- 辻村和佑・溝下雅子(2001.7),
「株式保有制限の資金循環分析」 23p.
- No.062
- Hayami, Hitoshi (2001.7),
" Price Stability and the Inter-industry Propagation of Stochastic Impulse : Fomulating dynamic price equation and an application of the Langevin equation", 31p.
- No.061
- 辻村和佑・溝下雅子(2001.7),
「資金循環分析:金融連関表の負債アプローチと資産アプローチ」 53p.
- No.060
- 辻村和佑・溝下雅子(2001.7),
「資金循環分析:金融連関表の作成とその応用」 36p.
- No.059
- 熊谷善彰・新井 啓・岩田暁一・新井益洋(2000.12),
「わが国商品先物市場における海外相場との裁定関係の検証」 19P.
- No.058
- 中島隆博(2000.11),
「稲作農家における絶対的危険回避度の推定―平均-分散モデルによる実証分析―」 18P.
- No.057
- 野村浩二(2000.6),
「家計部門における用途別エネルギー消費関数の計測と炭素税賦課による影響」 27P.
- No.056
- 中野 諭(2000.1),
「アクティヴィティ別CO2排出量の推計―1995年環境分析用産業連関表の作成―」 27P.
- No.055
- 野村浩二・宮川幸三(1999.12),
「日米商品別相対比価の計測―日米貿易構造を通じた価格の相互依存のもとで―」 43P.
- No.054
- 早見 均(1999.9),
「PropagationとImpulse問題におけるランダム要因:LangevinおよびFokker-Planck方程式の動学的価格方程式への応用」 31P.
- No.053
- 野村浩二(1998),
- No.052
- 溝下雅子・中野 諭・吉岡完治(1998),
- No.051
- Yoko Moriizumi.(1998),
"Current Wealth, Housing Purchase and Private Housing Loan Demand in Japan"
- No.050
- 砂田 洋志(1998),
- No.049
- Nakajima, Takanobu (1997),
"Quality of Labor and Inter-Industry Wage Differentials", 33P.
- No.048
- Nakajima, Takanobu(1997),
"How to Measure Product Quality under Monopolistic Product Market",13P.
- No.047
- 篠崎美貴・和気洋子・吉岡完治 (1997),
「中国環境研究――日中貿易と環境負荷:中国の場合,貿易自由化はSOx排出量を下げるのではないか ―― 」25P.
- No.046
- Yoshioka, K., Uchiyama, Y., Suga, M., Hondo, H.and Wong, Y. C.(1996),
"An Application of The Input-Output Approach in Environmental Analysis:Estimating the CO2 Emission of Fossil-Fuel and Nuclear Power Generation", 33P.
- No.045
- T. Nakajima, K. Oda and T. Takahashi(1996),
"Total Factor Productivity of the Japanese National Railways Based on the "3T" Activities", 32P.
- No.044
- 清水雅彦・池田明由(1996),
- No.043
- 清水雅彦・池田明由(1996),
- No.042
- Yoshioka,K.,Hayami,H.,Ikeda,A.,Fujiwara,K. and Wong,Y.C.(1995)
"Interdependency of Economic Activity and CO2 Emission",48P.
- No.041
- Yoshioka,K.,Hyami,H. and Wong,Y.C.(1995),
"An Input-Output Analysis on Japan-China Enviromental Problem(3):Why SOx Emissins are high China?",15P.
- No.040
- Kuroda, M. and Wong,Y.C.(1995),
"An Input-Output Analysis on Japan-China Environmental Problem(2):Issues in the Joint Implemetation Program",19P.
- No.039
- Hayami,H.,Kiji,T. and Wong,Y.C.(1995),
"An Input-Output Analysis on Japan-China Environmental Problem(1):Compilation of the Input-Output Table for the Analysis of Energy and Air Pollutants",19P.
- No.038
- 西川俊作(1994),
- No.037
- 池田明由・菅 幹雄(1994),
- No.036
- Iwata,G.(1994),
"An Options Permium Model with Heterogeneous Expections",25P.
- No.035
- 黒田昌裕・新保一成(1992),
- No.034
- 宮内環(1992),
- No.033
- 新保一成・宮内環・中島隆信・早見 均(1992),
- No.032
- Nakajima, Takanobu (1992),
"A Theory of Economies of Diversification",19P.
- No.031
- Nakajima,Takanobu (1992),
"A Model of A Firm's Investment Behavior",20P.
- No.030
- Nakajima,Takanobu (1992),
"A Consideration on How to Reduce Labor Hours",16P.
- No.029
- 早見 均 (1992),
「労働時間効率関数表の推定とその方法」 41P.
- No.028
- Kuroda, Masahiro(1992),
"Economic Growth and Structual Change in Japan :1960-1985",129P.
- No.027
- Nakajima, Takanobu(1991),
"A Note on How to Reduce Labor Hours",12P.
- No.026
- 宮内環(1991),
- No.025
- 早見均(1991),
- No.024
- 閻子民(1989),
- No.023
- Hayami, Hitoshi (1989),
"Dynamic Propeties of Inter-industry Wages and Productivity Growth",20P.
- No.022
- 施礼河(1989),
- No.021
- 宮内環(1989),
- No.020
- Miyauchi, T.(1987),
"A Method of Measuring Labor Supply Probability Curve─Identification of Supply Function─",15P.
- No.019
- Li He Shi and Shirasago,T.(1983),
"An Analysis of Agricultural Production Functions for the People's Republic of China",26P.
- No.018
- Barnard Karsh,Nicholas Blain and Nihei,Y(1983),
"Airline Pilots Unions : Australia Japan and the U.S. An Empirical Test of Cross-National Convergence",27P.
- No.017
- Ozaki,I.(1983),
"The Impact of Energy Costs on Industrial Activity".78P.
- No.016
- Obi,K.(1983),
"A Model of Continually Heterogeneous Labor Market",61P.
- No.015
- Obi,K.(1983),
"A Study in the Theory and Measurement of Household Labor Supply-Provisional Report-Vol.4(VII-VIII)",115P.
- No.014
- Obi,K.(1983),
"A Study in the Theory and Measurement of Household Labor Supply-Provisional Report-Vol.3(VI)",113P.
- No.013
- Obi,K.(1983),
"A Study in the Theory and Measurment of Household Laber Supply-Provisional Report-Vol.2(IV-V)",122P.
- No.012
- Obi,K.(1982),
"A Study in the Theory and Mesurement of Household Labor Supply-Provisional Reprt-Vol.1(I-III)",154P.
- No.011
- Yoshioka,K.(1982),
"A Measurement of Return to Scale Production : A Cross-Section Analysis of the Japanease Two-digit Manufacturing Industries from 1964 to 1978",75P.
- No.010
- Kuroda,M.and Wago,H.(1982),
"Relative Price Changes and Biases of Technical Change in Japan -KLEM Production Model",57P.
- No.009
- Robert Evans Jr.(1983),
"Worker Quality and Size of Firm Wage Differentials in Japan",24P.
- No.008
- Kuroda,M. and Imamura,H.(1981),
"Productivity and Market Performance-Time-Series Analysis(1960-1977)in theJapanese Economy",39P.
- No.007
- Matsuno,K.(1981),
"Statistical Note on a Problem Arising in the Economic Data Compilation",18P.
- No.006
- Matsuno,K.(1981),
"Measuring the Quadratic Utility Indicator by Means of the Principal-Earner's Critical-Income Model for Household Labor Supply",27P.
- No.005
- Matsuno, K.(1981),
"Measuring Marginal Utility : The Problem of Irving Fisher Revisited",27P.
- No.004
- Maki,Atsushi,
"Consumer Preferences in the United States",35P.
- No.003
- Kuroda, Masahiro,
"A Method of Estimation for the Updating Transaction Matrix in the Inout-Output Relationships",38P.
- No.002
- Iwata,G.(1969),
"Price Ditermination in an Oligopolistic Market -A Study of the Japanese Plate Glass Industry",38P.
- No.001
- Tsujimura, Kotaro,
"The Economic Environment and Corporate Management Systems",10p.